Quesos La Cabezuela
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In 1991, Quesos La Cabezeula was born of a dream to produce cheese based on traditional recipes. The Guadarrama goats, a local breed that lives in the Guadarrama mountains outside of Madrid since the 17th century, were in danger of becoming extinct. Wishing to save the breed and the local cheesemaking tradition, the Royuela-Campos family dedicated themselves to the production of cheese. The goats graze on pastures of thyme, acorn, heather, and grasses that imbue the cheese with the region’s unique terroir. Unlike other dairy goats who average 3 to 4 liters of milk per day, the Guadarrama produce just 2 liters. La Cabezeula works only with shepherds who commit to 100 percent Guadarrama flocks, they don’t blend, and they purchase nearly all of the local milk available.