Chocolate Orange Chantilly Mousse

Chocolate Orange Chantilly Mousse
Be warned, this dessert is delectably intense! Simple ingredients, simple preparation, for a delicious result of chocolate, orange, and olive oil flavors. This recipe is from our friends at Biolea.


8 oz chocolate, chopped (use 70% cacao)


Place chocolate and water into a small heavy-bottom pot over medium-low heat. Stir together chocolate and water until smooth. Transfer chocolate mixture to a high-sided metal bowl. Place bowl in a larger bowl filled with ice cubes and water. Using a hand-held electric mixer set to high, beat chocolate mixture for about 5 minutes or until it is thick and glossy, about the texture of butter cream icing. Immediately scoop chocolate mixture onto on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until needed. Drizzle a touch of a Biolea Nerantzio over this very intense mousse and add a pinch of sea salt for the perfect chocolate orange taste.

First photo courtesy of Unislim, second photo courtesy of Biolea
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