Marinated Sardines with Bottarga (Avgotaraho) Espuma


8 thin slices of bottarga (avgotaraho)

juice of a small orange

juice of 1/4 of lemon

2 saffron threads

4 geranium flowers

8 tablespoons olive oil

3 marinated sardine fillets

To make the espuma, place all the ingredients EXCEPT the sardines and olive oil in a food processor and puree. Slowly and steadily drizzle the olive oil into the mixture while the processor is at a fast speed. 

Once you create a thick sauce, serve the foam onto a plate and lay the marinated fillets of sardine on top or beside. Accompany with slices of cucumber.

TIP: Alternatively, you can create a “Napoleon” with layers of marinated sardines, cucumber and bottarga (avgotaraho)espuma.

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