Gialli (Yellow Cherry) Tomatoes Image

Gialli (Yellow Cherry) Tomatoes

Pomodorino Gialli are a yellow, small, cherry-like tomato. With less acidity than its red cousins, Gialli are milder and a little sweeter than the red cherry tomato–and juicier too! The 963 g / 34oz versions are sliced tomatoes; the 520 g / 18.3 oz are whole tomatoes in water and salt, or sauced tomatoes.

Pomodori San Marzano DOP Image

Pomodori San Marzano DOP

Gentile’s San Marzanos come directly from volcanic soil near Mount Vesuvius, rich in potassium. San Marzanos are long, thin plum tomatoes and are are famous for their sweetness and low acidity, making them ideal to accompany meats and cheeses. The 928 g / 32.5 oz versions are sliced tomatoes; the 520 g / 18.3 oz…