Our Collection of Olive Oils Image

Our Collection of Olive Oils

“Working there [in the olive grove] is a ‘lesson in humility….’ How many generations have walked among those trees? And how many will walk there after me?’” —The Art of Eating, a quote by Jean-Benoit Hugues, producer of CastelineS extra virgin olive oil in Provence, France. For many of us around the world, summer is…

Flower of the Oil: Flor de Aceite Image

Flower of the Oil: Flor de Aceite

“Once, I dropped in and mentioned that I’d been to Baena to see the Núñez de Prado brothers. His eyes widened. It was as though I’d told a country Imam that I had just returned from Mecca.” So reads a reference in Mort Rosenblum’s book “The Life and Lore of a Noble Fruit” to the…